News and Announcements

Feed the Homeless We will be feeding the homeless who visit the Des Plaines Catholic Charities campus on Thursday, January 17th.

The purpose of this newsletter is to provide specialized information to Religious Education families in an effort to develop a strong relationship with parents as we work together in the religious…

Please remember to bring your baby bottle filled with spare change to church Sunday, October 28.

We are honored to present our 2018-2019 Parish Annual Report. The report summarizes many aspects of parish life that are supported through the stewardship of our faith community.

Each One, Bring One
Sunday, October 14
10:15-11:15 outside the Parish Center

The OLPH Men’s Club would like to thank everyone who attended, volunteered and supported the 9th Annual OLPH Outdoor Mass and Block Party. Led by Fr.

OLPH Youth Ministry is on social media! Like and follow us for information about upcomping Youth Ministry events and updates. Click on any of the following links:


For over thirty years the Needy Family Fund, under the leadership of Sister Paulanne, has answered the call of those in our parish and community who are in financial crisis.

The Ministry of Bereavement and Father Jeremiah Boland invite all those who have lost a loved one during the past year to a special Mass of Remembrance on Friday, November 2, 7:00 pm.

In order to protect our young people, the Archdiocese requires that any volunteer working with our youth attend Virtus Training and agree to a background check.