
In the early 1900s, Glenview was part of the surrounding area missioned to St. Joseph Parish in Grosse Pointe (now Wilmette). Priests would travel to Glenview from Grosse Pointe to minister to the community.

In 1907, 18 local families and St. Joseph’s pastor, Fr. William Netstraeter, joined to build the first church structure and establish a new parish of the Mission of St. Joseph. The new church was built on the present site of OLPH, the southeast corner of Lake (now Grove) and Church streets, on property donated by Mrs. William Hutchings. The building was completed in 1907 and dedicated on All Saints Day, November 1, 1907.

In 1915, Fr. John Vattman renamed the parish Our Lady of Perpetual Help.

In 1919, Fr. Martin C. Schmidt was named first resident pastor. He acquired land east of the Chicago River, West Branch, to build a school and convent. Thanks to Fr. Schmidt’s foresight, the course of the Chicago River was moved about three hundred feet to its present location and the former bed filled in to create land for later expansion.

The first school, the Lexington Building south of the present church, was administered by the Sisters of Charity of Mallinkrodt from 1919 to 1932, when the School Sisters of St. Francis came to OLPH where they still teach today. Sister M. Modesta served as the first Franciscan principal.

Fr. Schmidt retired in 1931. Several pastors briefly headed the Parish until John J. Dussman was appointed pastor in 1934, a position he held until 1971 when he retired due to poor health. Fr. Dussman lead the Parish with vision and energy, retiring a parish debt, building the present Parish plant, and guiding OLPH to become a large and strong faith community.

Fr. Myles P. McDonnell was appointed pastor on February 16, 1971. Under his guidance the principles of the Second Vatican Council began to take root as parishioners assumed active leadership roles. He established the School Board and, with the help of parishioners, the Sharing Program. He served as Pastor-Emeritus from 1989 until his death in September 1990.

Fr. John E. Flavin became pastor in June 1989 and served until August 2007, when Fr. Thomas Hickey was appointed pastor.

Fr. Hickey retired in 2014, and Fr. Jeremiah Boland was appointed pastor in July, 2014.

Today, approximately 3,000 families make up this vibrant faith community.