
This Week's Bulletin

Weekly Bulletin

The Parish Bulletin is a weekly printed publication that communicates the news and events at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish. The Bulletin also provides content from the Archdiocese of Chicago. The Bulletin is delivered to the church each Friday afternoon and posted online here.

Guidelines for Bulletin Content

Submit Bulletin content no later than 6:00 pm on the Sunday prior to publication. Holiday and summer issues have earlier deadlines.

Bulletin Advertising: Advertising space for businesses and services is available in our Bulletin. There is a hot link available at no charge to advertisers' websites or emails listed in their ads.

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Email Newsletter

Every day the parish sends an email newsletter. The email features the Daily Mass livestream, the daily readings, upcoming events, and more. It also connects you to the parish and your faith. CLICK HERE to subscribe.

Visit our Email News Archive to view the most recent newsletters.


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Contact person
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