Experience the Eucharistic Congress at home!
Experience the Eucharistic Congress at home!

You can watch on YouTube all the Revival Sessions with special content from EWTN. Below are links to all the Revival Sessions as well curated videos of amazing talks that will make you feel like you are on a personal retreat with Jesus and as if you were there in Indy for every minute. Click on the title or speaker's name and be prepared to sing, pray, meditate, maybe cry and most definitely laugh with joy!
Day 1 – Wednesday, July 17, 2024
From the Four Corners - Bishop Andrew Cozzens: Begin at 1:00 for the first Eucharistic Procession and inspirational Opening Prayers
Day 2 – Thursday, July 18, 2024
The Greatest Love Story Revival Session
Monsignor James Shea: An encounter with Jesus' extravagant sacrifice for each one of us
Mother Olga: Amazing miracles that she participated in with the Eucharist; she is the next Mother Teresa!
Fr. Mike Schmitz: Walking with Jesus and Cleopas on the road to Emmaus; Revival can't happen without repentance
Day 3 – Friday, July 19, 2024
Into Gethsemane Revival Session
Paula Umana: A personal witness of God's loving care of a champion tennis player who experienced paralysis after her fifth child was born
Sr. Josephine Garrett: Becoming a bride of Christ...asking God to "propose"
Sr. Miriam James Heidland and Father Boniface: Meditation on welcoming Jesus into your heart followed by Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, Litany of Trust, Procession, and Benediction
Day 4 – Saturday, July 20, 2024
This is My Body Revival Session
Gloria Purvis: Mending the bonds of the human family
Jonathan Roumie: Spellbinding recitation of John Chapter 6
Bishop Barron: Poverty, Chastity, and Obedience for every child of God
Day 5 – Sunday, July 21, 2024
To the Ends of the Earth Final Session
Colonel Mike Hopkins: Personal witness of life with Jesus in the stratosphere
Chris Stefanick: Taking the Revival to the next level; you owe it to Jesus to be a person of JOY
Final Mass Homily with Papal Representative Cardinal Luis Tagle of the Philippines: Is Jesus a gift to you, or is he a problem?
Bishop Andrew Cozzens: Closing Remarks and What's Next - Eucharistic Revival 2033, the Year of Redemption OR sooner?
Already planned: A Eucharistic Pilgrimage from Indy to arrive in Los Angeles on Corpus Christi in June 19, 2025 with Archbishop Gomez!
Year 3 of the Eucharistic Revival begins now!
Learn all about how to Walk with One to bring others to Jesus and look for more information in future Bulletins.
Feel free to reach out to Jen Farber with questions at TheWayOLPH@gmail.com