News and Announcements

If you think you or a family member may have left something in Church during the past year, please check the Lost and Found closet in the northwest corner of the front of church, just inside the…

Do you know anyone interested in becoming actively involved with the life of the parish while forging life-long friendships?

The Greeter/Usher Ministry are now two separate ministries. Parishioners can still participate in both, but it is not a requirement.

Please note: There have been some changes! Our Evening of Pentecost Prayer Service will take place on TUESDAY, AUGUST 14 and will start AT 8 p.m. after the 7 p.m.

The Meal Ministry is looking to grow our group as we work to prepare fresh and frozen meals for needy within our own community and beyond.

Summer finds our supply of brown bag meals for the homeless in shorter supply. Sr.

The Sharing Ministry is looking to grow its team of drivers who deliver food and other donations to our Sharing parishes.

Next week, Monday, July 30 through Thursday, August 2, routine maintenance of the parking lot, including filling cracks, seal coating and re-striping, will be completed in two phases.

Are you an alumni of OLPH School?

Earlier this month, Fr. Flavin celebrated his 82nd birthday. Deacon Revord recalls the dedication and selflessness with which Fr. Flavin served the OLPH parish community for many years.