Earlier this month, we celebrated OLPH’s annual Scout Mass. We have a vital scouting program and are very proud of their accomplishments and leadership. Eleven members of Cub Scout Pack 57 earned the Light of Christ and Parvuli Dei (Children of God) awards, given in special recognition by the Catholic Church to a Cub Scout for advancement in religious knowledge and spiritual growth. Several awards and accomplishments of the Scouting program at OLPH were recognized. (Please look for future announcements and photos to be posted in this space.)
Pictured here are the Cub Scouts that received the awards: (back row, L to R) B. Schumacher, C. Dombrowski, W. Persohn, O. Herrington and F. Hackl and (front row, L to R) J. Miller, N. Tirpak, M. Groboski, C. Jakubowski and A. Anasinski (not pictured: C. Weiss). Also pictured: Cub Scout Committee Chair Rob Guttschow and Cubmaster Doug Kissner