Book Club with Fr. Jim

7:00pm, Tue., Sept 17
Join us for the next OLPH book club event.


New Location: This meeting will now be held in the Francis room/Lafayette building – east of the Parish Center.

This year’s book is: While You Were Out by Meg Kissinger.
Meg and her family grew up in Wilmette during the ‘60s. Behind closed doors, a harsh reality was unfolding — a heavily medicated mother hospitalized for anxiety and depression, a father prone to violence, and children in the throes of bipolar disorder and depression, two of whom would take their own lives.
Through it all, The Kissingers faced the world with their signature dark humor and unspoken family rule: NEVER TALK ABOUT IT.
Meg has appeared at numerous events in the area. Recently, she and two other women shared how life experiences shaped their faith.
You are welcome to join the group after you have read the book. Please let me know you are attending.
Email me at

Peace, Fr. Jim

Event date
Contact person
Fr. Jim Barrett