Altar Servers

perks imageThe altar servers are given the responsibility to actively take part at the celebration of Mass. Their function is to help the priest serve the people in the assembly. By serving at the altar, those who are part of this ministry are serving Christ and his Church.

Serving at the altar is a privilege for many boys and girls here at OLPH. Servers are given the responsibility of carrying the cross and candles in procession and assisting the presider at liturgy. The altar servers highlight the ceremony and ritual that are so much a part of the liturgy that we celebrate.

Who Can Serve:

Young girls and boys from the Parish in grades 4-8 are welcome and encouraged to participate as altar servers. Young people from all schools in the area are welcome.


There is a thorough training at the beginning of the school year. They are required to attend one of those training sessions in order to be part of this ministry. There are also refresher sessions throughout the year for anyone who wishes to participate. Once you attend the training you will need to sign up in the Ministry Scheduler Pro (MSP), a computer program that will schedule all altar servers every three months.


“I like serving Mass because you get to know the priests better and the Mass goes by really fast when you are participating in the liturgy.”

“It’s a lot of fun to serve at church, especially when my brother, sister and I do it together.”

“You get to walk into the sacristy and put on the robes - which is really cool because nobody gets to do that.”

“It makes me feel closer to Christ.”

Primary contact person
Maggie Wycklendt
Contact person