2021 Ash Wednesday Mass Schedule
All Masses will take place in the Church. The schedule is as follows:
6:30 am (We are not able to distribute communion before the liturgy.)
8:30 am
12:00 pm
6:30 pm
To Receive Ashes only
7:00 - 8:15 am - Front Steps of the church
5:00 - 6:30 pm - Front Steps of the Parish Center.
When receiving ashes only, parishioners must exit their cars and walk up to the priest. Priests will not be distributing the ashes to people in their cars.
Please wear a mask, maintain social distancing and follow all posted protocols.
Sprinkling of the Ashes
Because of COVID, The Archdiocese is requiring parishes to distribute ashes by sprinkling the ashes on top of the head of parishioners. While this custom may seem odd to us in America, it is actually more common around the world. In fact, only in the United States and in Africa do priests draw the sign of the cross in ashes on the forehead.
Given the spread of the coronavirus, this practice has the advantage of not requiring the priest to touch the person to whom he is delivering the ashes.
For more information, see this week's Bulletin. CLICK HERE.