October, 2016
Our Capital Campaign, “To Teach who Christ Is,” continues to gain momentum. I am so grateful to our campaign committee, headed by Bob and Connie Hicks, Colin and Carol Gubbins and Dave and Dawn Ludden. Each week we have more parishioners join as volunteers. We meet every Tuesday evening in the Dussman Room at 7:00 p.m. If you can help us please join us. These volunteers are essential in getting the message out about the vision of the campaign and how your support is going to have a lasting effect on the education of children in the Archdiocese of Chicago in terms of our parish schools and religious education programs, there are also specific projects here at OLPH that are great investments for our future.
I hope you will be open to receiving the message of the Campaign, “To Teach Who Christ Is.” We have an ambitious goal of 5.5 million that can be reached if every family can support the campaign in the way they are able. We are already approaching 1.3 million dollars pledged. Please join the campaign!
You will soon be receiving a copy of our end of the fiscal year report in the mail. It is a powerful affirmation of the vitality and outreach of this parish community. I am in awe at what is accomplished because of your faithful support of the parish. Later this month we will be having our annual reflection on stewardship and the invitation to participate in the Planned Offertory Program.
God Bless,
Fr. Jerry Boland