Knit for Life
Knit for Life is a group of knitters who meet twice per month at the parish to make items for the poor and needy. Members can come to meetings or they can work from home whenever they have time. Their creativity benefits the homeless, needy seniors and needy or sick children who come to the attention of our sharing parish St. James, The Missionaries of Charity, Aid for Women and the Women’s Center.

OLPH Knit for Life Ministry creates beautiful:
Blankets for the Homelsss, for Children, and for Seniors
Hats for the Homeless and Needy
Scarves for the Homeless and Needy
Prayer Shawls for Hospice Patients
Blankets, Washcloths, and Ivory Soap for Babies of Single Moms
Our warm items are distributed by the pantries and volunteers at the four sharing parishes of OLPH, two local hospice chaplains , the Women’s Center, Madonna House, and Hamdard Health Alliance.
Help Our Ministry
Donations of new or unneeded yarn, knitting needles, and crochet hooks will be gladly accepted. Monetary donations through the OLPH Needy Family Fund, will be used to buy yarn.
Join Us!
OLPH Knit for Life was founded by Lori Klatt and Hilda Salvador in 1995. We get together twice a month in Hickey Hall of the Parish Center on the first and third Thursday mornings of each month. At Sr. Paulanne’s suggestion, we make everything extra warm. Yarn, knitting needles and crochet hooks are provided.
Contact Regina Kilroy at reginakilroy@gmail.com or call her at 847-998-4588.