9:30 -11:15 am, McDonnell Hall
A Messiah Who Suffers: Delving Into the Gospel of Mark
The Gospel of Mark opens with the claim that it is presenting the beginning of the "good news" of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. This "good news" presents a compelling figure who preaches about the coming of the kingdom of God, heals the sick, forgives sinners preparing the way for that kingdom, suffers an ignoble death, but ultimately triumphs. This lecture explores the nuances of the theological message of the gospel of Mark and why it remains a significant testimony to Jesus the Messiah and Son of God.
While open to all, the program will be of special interest to those are participating in a Scripture Study group this fall as the OL Scripture Study Ministry has chosen the gospel of Mark as their focus.
Dr. Pauline Viviano is a retired Associate Professor of Theology. She received her doctorate in Biblical Languages and Literature from St. Louis University. Her publications include many study guides for the Books of the Bible.