Thank you for your support of Our Lady of Tepeyac High School’s 22nd Annual Scholarship Benefit held on May 5th at the Chicago Cultural Center.
We were so thrilled to present the ¡Creemos! Award to the Our Lady of Perpetual Help Sharing Committee. We raised over $140,000 for needs-based scholarships in the 2017-2018 school year. We received generous monetary and silent auction donations for our event, many guests sponsored the purchase of classroom supplies and field trips from the Carol Brown Memorial Giving Tree, participated in Fund-A-Student, took a chance on the Wine Wheel, and purchased Grand Raffle tickets.
We have given over $430,000 in financial aid assis- tance this year. Far too many girls would be unable to benefit from the value of a Catholic education without this assistance.
Our Lady of Perpetual Help parish has played such a significant role in furthering the mission of Tepeyac. Thank you for your continued support. Our Lady of Tepeyac is located at 2228 S. Whipple St., Chicago, IL 60623