This Lent...Open Your Home and Heart

Make Lent 2018 More Meaningful – Host Children from NPH Guatemala in Your Home

As a means of making Lent more real and compelling to parishioners at Our Lady of Perpetual Help, we will be welcoming thirteen young people and two chaperones from the NPH Guatemala orphanage home into our parish from March 6-19. They will be hosted by OLPH families in their homes and they will provide liturgical music at Masses on the weekend of March 10-11. 

We are in need of 14 volunteer families within OLPH Parish to host two young people or the two chaperones in their homes. There will be two shifts of seven host families. The first shift of host families will be from March 6-12 (six nights) and from March 12-18 (seven nights).  

Please contact Heather Anderson (details below) for more information and to register as a host family.

Primary contact person