You are invited to a
Special Farewell Celebration Mass for Fr. Paddy
Sunday, December 29, 11:00 a.m.
Our own Father Paddy Tyrrell, after 25 wonderful years of service to the OLPH parish community, will be retiring in January 2020. At that time, he will be moving to the Jesuit residence at Loyola University.
Fr. Paddy will still be presiding at his 50th Kairos in April and will occasionally celebrate Sunday Mass here at OLPH. However, he wanted to have this Special Farewell Celebration on Sunday, December
29, to give Kairos and OLPH alumni a chance to say goodbye to him while they are still in town for the holidays and before they leave to return to college or their homes outside of the area.
Our Director of Music, Russell Stern, with the Teen/Young Adult Ensemble, will be doing the music (which will be mostly Christmas Music) and will be sending Fr. Paddy off with Go Make a Difference.
The song Go Make a Difference has been Fr. Paddy's theme song and we hope all Kairos alums will join in singing it with him one more time at this special celebration.
Special Farewell Celebration Mass for Fr. Paddy
Event date