Little by Little Fundraiser

Join Little by Little and help us fundraise once again for our partners in Haiti and Uganda!


Thursday, February 20, 2025 


Drop in anytime between 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. 


Brian and Sue Walsh’s home 

2118 Harrison St.

Glenview, IL 60025


Help for Haiti in 2025

As many of you know, our inability to provide hands-on healthcare to our friends in Haiti began the beginning of 2020 with COVID. Then Haiti was shocked again by natural disasters, fuel shortages, kidnappings and extreme political unrest leading to a high level of violence and food insecurity. 

Our support to Haiti is unwavering, We continue to provide financial support to Mountain Top

Ministries health & nutrition program for students and teachers over the last four years, annually feeding over 500 children and teachers daily with the cost of $5,000 per month ($60,000 per year). Thank you for making this program a success! We hope to continue financial support for this feeding program throughout 2025.

I continue to be in close touch with both Willem Charles, the director of Mountain Top Ministries, and Jn Claud Felix, the National Officer of Haiti, who leads the Integrated Health Service Delivery Network and Human Resources for Health in Haiti, along with Ms. Irma Durmornay Bois, President of the Association Nationale des infirmieres Licencies d’Haiti and Ms Marie Mireille Sylnain, Nursing Technical Advisor of the ministry of Public health. With both William’s guidance and their perspectives, I will know when it will be safe to resume our teams’ travels to Haiti.

Supporting Accessible Healthcare in Uganda

Because of our strong partnership with the Directors of Medicine, Nursing and Communication at Nyenga hospital, our services in Uganda continue through our Health Outreach Programs. Our teams serve four Ugandan communities, one per month, typically seeing 500+ adults and children at each outreach. Most individuals previously received no health care due to lack of resources and transportation. Now all locations provide health screening, health surveillance, immunizations, and prevention education.

Little by Little has supported the purchase of tents, banners, tables, health books and medical equipment. We consistently support the purchase of immunizations, mosquito nets, and medications for acute and chronic illness. The Uganda Nyenga Hospital Community outreach program has been costing approximately $1,500 per month or $18,000 per year. 

We are blessed to receive your support for both of our “Little” programs. THANK YOU!

How to Help

If you can't make it to our fundraiser in person, we are accepting donations online via PayPal or through Venmo at @lblhaiti.

If you prefer to pay via check, make payable to Little by Little and mailed to:

Little by Little, PO Box 934, Glenview, IL 60025 or

Sue Walsh, 2118 Harrison St, Glenview, IL 60025

Thank you so much for your support!

Sue Walsh

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