Your OLPH Transformation Team presents: Rev. Patrick McGrath, S.J. - “Connecting with Our Youth through Faith” (a video) on Saturday, January 13, 9:30 a –11:00 a.m. in Hickey Hall
A short discussion follows. Fr. Patrick McGrath, S.J. spoke to the OLPH Ministry Leaders in November 2017 and we recorded his remarks.
As the President of Loyola Academy, Fr. McGrath holds unique perspective on the issues facing young people today. Fr. McGrath discusses issues and shifts that are relevant to everyone in this 50 minute video presentation: The impact of Vatican II. Changes to our Catholic community as a result of Vatican II. The Impact of Vatican II on schools. The shift in religious education.
This is a series of programs that will address issues facing young adults, their parents and the young at heart! Future Topics include: Science and Faith, Social Media issues, and others to be announced. All are welcome. Parents. Grandparents. Youth.