
Parish Giving Opportunities

You can use this area of the site to make a donation.

  • Parish General (Sunday) Collection -  For a recurring donation, consider the Planned Offertory Program.
  • Sr. Paulanne's Needy Family Fund - Emergency fund for families in crisis situations.

In memory of:  (if applicable)

After you select your donation, click the GiveCentral button below.

About GiveCentral

Our parish processes online donations through GiveCentral. This is an online giving tool that offers you flexible options for making donations to everything from Sunday collections to special events in the parish. GiveCentral is a completely secure online giving system that allows you to plan your giving as you wish.

Your stewardship and participation in the life of the parish is central to the continued vitality of this faith community. We hope that GiveCentral will offer you a convenient and simple opportunity to continue and enhance your involvement in the Church.

To learn how to use GiveCentral, click on this short video:


OLPH School Giving Opportunities

Please visit the OLPH School Giving Page to make a contribution to the Annual Fund, Dussman Scholarship Fund and Endowment Fund.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Primary contact person
Contact person